IBM Software

DB2 Common Server

Database Director

Database Director is a graphical database administration tool especially designed to help database administrators manage and administer DB2 databases. You can install Database Director on the same workstation as the database server to administer a local database, or you can work on remote databases.

Database Director displays database objects (such as databases, tables, and packages), and their relationship to each other.

Database Director lets you perform configuration and recovery tasks, and manage directories and table spaces.

You can perform various tasks on database objects. Some of the tasks represent a subset of the DB2 utilities.

You can display and change the parameter values and settings that affect the resources allocated for your databases, and for the database manager instance. For example, you can set the size of the buffer pool, the log files, and the sort buffer; specify the number of concurrently active application programs that can connect to an individual database; enable a database for roll-forward recovery.

You can backup the entire database or table space; recover (restore or roll forward) a database or table space, replace an existing database, or continue roll-forward recovery of a database after some portion of recovery is done; restart a database, if auto-restart is not set; recover into a new database.

You can manage directories necessary for accessing local and remote databases. For example, you can create a new local or remote database; catalog a local or remote database; delete a database entry; change a database directory entry; drop a database; list all the nodes cataloged on your system; and many other tasks.

Managing Media
You can create, drop, or change table spaces; add or change container in a table space; manage local UNIX file systems.

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